Tag: ian pear

Judging Others by Judging an Etrog: Lessons from Parshat Lech Lecha

Judging Others by Judging an Etrog: Lessons from Parshat Lech Lecha

Parshat Lecha Lecha Rabbi Yehuda Amital raises a fascinating – seemingly, at first, purely literary — question on this week’s Torah portion.  Abraham has just returned from his successful battle with the Four Kings and rescued all those captured during the preceding war between the Four and Five Kings (Genesis Chapter 14).  The King of Sodom comes out to greet…

Democratic Themes in Religious Zionism

Democratic Themes in Religious Zionism

As part of our Summary & Comment Series on Modern Jewish Scholarship, Rabbi Pear offers (below) a brief analysis of Professor Alexander Kaye’s article, Democratic Themes in Religious Zionism. The original article can be found here. SUMMARY By primarily, but not exclusively, focusing on the writings of Rabbi Shaul Yisraeli, the article explores the National Religious Rabbinic response to the…

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