Events for March 11 - November 4, 2024

Welcome Marty Pear Israel Fellows

We welcome the first cohort of the Marty Pear Israel Fellows - a program dedicated to nurture JCC Professionals' relationship with Israel - to shul and dinner this Shabbat. To learn more about this program established in memory of our Rabbi's father, a life-long JCC Professional himself, click here.

Yom Yerushalayim Celebrations

Join us at Shir Hadash (and the Pear home) for a variety of events to celebrate Yerushalayim. Musical Hallel w/ Naftali Abramson, followed by breakfast - Friday morning at 8:15 AM at Shir Hadash Sushi Reception, followed by Mincha and Kabalat Shabbat w/ Naftali Abramson - Friday night at 7 PM at Shir Hadash Shabbat Morning tephillot w/ Naftali Abramson…

Welcome BYU Jerusalem Students

Shir Hadash welcomes students studying for the semester at the BYU Jerusalem to Friday night Kabalat Shabbat. Prior to the tephillot, the students will be introduced to the concept of Shabbat in general by Rabbi Pear and then continue their learning with Ophir Yarden. Come and welcome these friends of Israel by joining us for a spirited dovening this Shabbat.…

Tikun Leil Shavuot

Come join the Shir Hadash community for an amazing night of learning, great refreshments and wonderful fellowship. As always, the all-night learning will take place at the Pear home (HaPalmach 54/3) with tephillot before and after at Shir Hadash's main location at Yakov Rubin Street #1 overlooking the Chorshat Ha'Yareach. Mincha/Maariv (at Shir Hadash) Candles 7:00 PM Mincha (at Shir…

Early Shabbat Minyan

During the summer months, Shir Hadash's Friday night minyan meets earlier than the regularly announced Shabbat Candle-lighting times. For a summary of the Halachik basis for this practice, read here. Below, please find the schedule for Mincha (which takes place before Plag Mincha) and Maariv (after Plag) for the duration of this 'early' minyan. In terms of candle-lighting, there are…

Yehuda Solomon Shabbat

We are excited to host Yehuda Solomon as our guest ba'al tephilla this Shabbat. Yehuda is the lead singer and co-founder of the Moshav Band, and until his aliya this year, the Chazan for the incredibly successful Happy Minyan in Los Angeles. There will be no better way to prepare for the upcoming Yamim Noraim than joining us for this…

Rabbi Adler Book Talk

In commemoration of the yahrzeit of the Rambam, Rabbi Dr. Aaron Adler, the author of a new book on the Rambam, will deliver the post-kiddush shiur this Shabbat on one of our greatest sages, specifically exploring the Rambam's writings on war and peace.

Welcome to the Hebrew Conversation Club. Register to join. It’s free!

Shir Hadash Yakov Rubin #1, Jerusalem, ישראל

Calling all Olim in Jerusalem! Come join our Hebrew Conversation Club every Monday at 6pm. All Hebrew levels are welcome and encouraged to join! Over 1000 Olim have already improved their Hebrew speaking skills at our clubs across Israel since the start of this program. Join them and start speaking today! Learn more and sign up here:
