Weekday Morning Minyan
Join our weekday Shacharit Sunday through Friday at 8:15 AM. Same time for Rosh Chodesh, Fast Days and Chol HaMoed (our Shabbat morning tephilla is at 8:45 AM). During Corona, all tephillot are outside.
Join our weekday Shacharit Sunday through Friday at 8:15 AM. Same time for Rosh Chodesh, Fast Days and Chol HaMoed (our Shabbat morning tephilla is at 8:45 AM). During Corona, all tephillot are outside.
Learn daf yomi with Rabbi Dov Kidron each morning Sunday - Friday from 9 - 10 AM. This class is available on this Zoom link, as well as in person at Shir Hadash.
Join Peta Pellach SUNDAY MORNINGS from at 10:30 AM for a fascinating and innovative exploration of the weekly Torah portion. E-mail Peta at [email protected] for the Zoom invitation. This class will also appear on Shir Hadash's Facebook Group. About the instructor: Peta is a fifth generation Australian who made Aliyah in 2010. She is Senior Fellow of the Kiverstein Institute,…
Join Peta Pellach MONDAY MORNINGS AT 10:30 AM for a survey of some of the most important ideas in Jewish thought, practice and history. E-mail Peta at [email protected] for the Zoom invitation. This class will also appear on Shir Hadash’s Facebook Group. About the instructor: Peta is a fifth generation Australian who made Aliyah in 2010. She is Senior Fellow of…
Join us TUESDAY AFTERNOONS for a weekly study of the ethical and philosophical principles most cherished by our Rabbis of old. Noon (12 PM) for about 30 minutes. Facilitated by Rabbi Pear. Click here for the Zoom link.
On Wednesday afternoons, Shir Hadash hosts Amudim - an innovative post high school gap year program for young women - for it's weekly day of learning in Jerusalem. Included among the scholars offering ongoing classes Shir Hadash's co-founder and Rebbetzin, Dr. Rachel Pear (who teaches Jewish views on evolution). To learn more about Amudim, and it's unique approach to Yeshiva…
Join us WEDNESDAY NIGHTS AT 8 PM (Israel Time) for an exploration of one of the 613 Commandments in the Torah. We use the Sefer HaChinuch as our primary source material, but quickly expand our survey to include a variety of philosophical, legal and ethical perspectives. Click here for the Zoom link.
Shir Hadash is pleased to offer a 11 month course of study for potential converts to Judaism in conjunction with the Nativ Civilian Program, the National Center for Identity and Conversion. This course will meet twice weekly beginning just after Chanuka. If interested in learning more, e-mail [email protected]. The preparation course introduces students to a rich world of content, including…
Mazal Tov to Chaim Seligman as he celebrates his Shabbat Chatan at Shir Hadash in celebration of his upcoming wedding to Dana Grob. The kiddush following Shabbat morning tephillot is sponsored by the Seligman family in honor of the occasion.