Events for September 28, 2024 - March 9, 2025

Rabbi Pear’s Weekly Class on Mitzvot: The 7 Nations of Ancient Canaan

Facebook Live

Every Thursday night at 8 PM Rabbi Pear explores the Meaning behind one of the Torah's 613 Commandments,  following the order and the counting of Mitzvot according to the Sefer HaChinuch.  Currently, this class is online only, appearing on Shir Hadash's Facebook Group or in the archives on our YouTube channel.

Daf Yomi Returns (In Person)

shir hadash Yakov Rubin #1, jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel

From Sunday, May 17th onwards, our 9:05 AM Daf Yomi class will return to activity in our building — albeit with the below Corona sensitive conditions.  Please note, we will continue to broadcast the daf yomi on Shir Hadash's Facebook Group; it will also be archived on Shir Hadash's YouTube Channel as well as this website. The number of participants…

Tikun Leil

shir hadash Yakov Rubin #1, jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel

TIKUN LEIL SCHEDULE Our all-night learning program will take place this year at our new building located at Yakov Rubin Street #1.  Seats will be properly distanced and masks are required to be worn at all times inside the building.  Refreshments - served via waitstaff - will be provided during the course of the night. Nurse Rachel Gemara Presents at 2…

Shabbat Afternoon Schedule

shir hadash Yakov Rubin #1, jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel

As part of the return to our building - a process that will be accented by hosting programs with a smaller number of people prior to graduating to events with a larger number of people - we will conduct our first Shabbat services in the afternoon and evening of Shabbat Parshat Naso, May 30th. The schedule will include: Shabbat Afternoon,…

Yahrzeit Shiur: Is Teshuvah Enough for Corrupt Politicians?

Rabbi Pear will offer a talk in commemoration of the 2nd yahrzeit of his father, Moshe ben Shmuel (Martin K. Pear). The topic this year relates to how different legal systems - the US Constitution, Israeli Law and Halacha - view a convicted politician's right to stand for election ... a topic not only relevant given today's political climate, but…

Shavuot Schedule

Learning in honor of Shavuot begins early with special lectures on the Shabbat immediately preceding the Holiday, followed by our always popular Tikun Leil All Night Learning at the Pear home, and including this year a Shavuot (Sunday) afternoon additional learning program for women. For all the details, find out more (and sign up to receive weekly e-mails if you…

Weekday Morning Schedule

Weekday Shacharit meets Sunday through Friday at 8:15 AM inside the Zeiring Beit Knesset. Daf Yomi (Bavli) follows immediately at 9 AM. On Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, Daf Yomi Yerushalmi meets 10 AM. On Sundays at 10:30 AM, Parsha Plus meets. On Mondays at 10:30 AM, Great Jewish Ideas meets.

פרשת נצבים

Friday Night: Candles 5:59 pm Mincha 25 minutes after Candles / Followed by Kabalat Shabbat and Maariv Shabbat Morning: Parsha Shiur 8 AM Shacharit 8:45 AM Kid's Service 10:15 AM D'var Torah 10:20 AM Kiddush 11 AM The kiddush this Shabbat is sponsored by Diane and Bob Abrams in celebration of their 48th wedding anniversary. event Organizer:

פרשת וילך שבת שובה

Friday Night: Candles 5:50 Mincha 25 minutes after Candles, Followed by Kabalat Shabbat and Maariv // Shabbat Morning: Parsha Shiur 8 AM Shacharit 8:45 AM (Please note that on this Shabbat we will doven straight through without a d'var Torah before Musaf; an extended d'var Torah - Shiur will then be offered at the conclusion of Musaf, with Kiddush to…

פרשת האזינו

Friday Night: Candles 5:41 Mincha 25 minutes after Candles, Followed by Kabalat Shabbat and Maariv /// Shabbat Morning: Parsha Shiur 8 AM Shacharit 8:45 AM Kid's Service 10:15 AM D'var Torah 10:20 AM Kiddush 11 AM The Kiddush this Shabbat is sponsored by Amy and Elliot Kurtz in celebration of recent weddings of their children. Mazal Tov! event Organizer:

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