Events for October 7, 2022 - August 6, 2022

Rabbi Adler Book Talk

In commemoration of the yahrzeit of the Rambam, Rabbi Dr. Aaron Adler, the author of a new book on the Rambam, will deliver the post-kiddush shiur this Shabbat on one of our greatest sages, specifically exploring the Rambam's writings on war and peace.

Welcome to the Hebrew Conversation Club. Register to join. It’s free!

Shir Hadash Yakov Rubin #1, Jerusalem, ישראל

Calling all Olim in Jerusalem! Come join our Hebrew Conversation Club every Monday at 6pm. All Hebrew levels are welcome and encouraged to join! Over 1000 Olim have already improved their Hebrew speaking skills at our clubs across Israel since the start of this program. Join them and start speaking today! Learn more and sign up here:


Part 1- ELUL Lecture Series with Rav Ari Ze’ev Schwartz

3-Part Lecture Series with Rav Ari Ze'ev Schwartz author of The Spiritual Revolution of Rav Kook and the upcoming The Spiritual Wisdom of Rav Kook - Rav Kook on Teshuva 9th, 16th & 23rd September at Shir Hadash, 1 Yaakov Rubin St. 8pm

Suggested Donation

Part 2 – ELUL Lecture Series with Rav Ari Ze’ev Schwartz

Shir Hadash Yakov Rubin #1, Jerusalem, ישראל

3-Part Lecture Series with Rav Ari Ze'ev Schwartz author of The Spiritual Revolution of Rav Kook and the upcoming The Spiritual Wisdom of Rav Kook Rav Kook on Teshuva Part 2- 16th & Part 3 -23rd September at Shir Hadash, 1 Yaakov Rubin St. 8pm

Suggested Donation

Part 3 – ELUL Lecture Series with Rav Ari Ze’ev Schwartz

Shir Hadash Yakov Rubin #1, Jerusalem, ישראל

3-Part Lecture Series with Rav Ari Ze'ev Schwartz author of The Spiritual Revolution of Rav Kook and the upcoming The Spiritual Wisdom of Rav Kook - Rav Kook on Teshuva Part 3- 23rd September at Shir Hadash, 1 Yaakov Rubin St. 8pm

Suggested Donation

Slichot Program this Motzei Shabbat!

Shir Hadash Yakov Rubin #1, Jerusalem, ישראל

Motzei Shabbat, September 28th At Shir Hadash Yakov Rubin Street #1 10:30 PM Talk by Dvora Saadon, mother of Hallel Saadon, z"l11:30 PM Musical Slichot, led by Sammy Schaecterwith Musical Accompaniment of Anders Nierman and Yeshaya David Greenberg


Shabbat Shuva Drasha

Shir Hadash Yakov Rubin #1, Jerusalem, ישראל

Memory in Judaism in the Shadow of October 7



Shir Hadash Yakov Rubin #1, Jerusalem, ישראל

Spanning seven generations, three continents, as well as cultural, political, and technological revolutions, this captivating multi generational memoir tells the story of one family’s struggle to maintain its faith and to retain its traditions. Assimilation, women’s equality, and resurgence of antisemitism are interwoven major themes. Vivid scenes retrace important moments and revisit places—a small, picturesque shtetl in the Austro-Hungarian Empire,…


Welcome to the Hebrew Conversation Club. Register to join. It’s free!

Shir Hadash ישראל Yakov Rubin #1, Jerusalem, ישראל, Jerusalem

Calling all Olim in Jerusalem! Come join our Hebrew Conversation Club every Monday at 6pm. All Hebrew levels are welcome and encouraged to join! Over 1000 Olim have already improved their Hebrew speaking skills at our clubs across Israel since the start of this program. Join them and start speaking today! Learn more and sign up here:

Monthly Calendar