Weekday Morning Minyan
Join our weekday Shacharit Sunday through Friday at 8:15 AM. Same time for Rosh Chodesh, Fast Days and Chol HaMoed (our Shabbat morning tephilla is at 8:45 AM). During Corona, all tephillot are outside.
Join our weekday Shacharit Sunday through Friday at 8:15 AM. Same time for Rosh Chodesh, Fast Days and Chol HaMoed (our Shabbat morning tephilla is at 8:45 AM). During Corona, all tephillot are outside.
Learn daf yomi with Rabbi Dov Kidron each morning Sunday - Friday from 9 - 10 AM. This class is available on this Zoom link, as well as in person at Shir Hadash.
Shacharit meets daily from 8:15 AM - 8:50 AM (on non-Torah reading days) and 8:15 AM - 9 AM (on torah reading days), followed immediately by Daf Yomi.
Daf Yomi meets daily Sunday - Friday in person at Shir Hadash as well as on our Facebook Group.
Candles 4:59 PM Mincha 5:24 PMKabalat Shabbat 5:35 PMFollowed by Maariv
Shabbat Morning Tephillot 8:45 AM Shacharit10:20 AM Dvar Torah10:45 AM Conclude Take-Away Kiddush this Shabbat sponsored by Nancy Bechor in celebration of the birth of a baby grandson. Mazal Tov.
Weekday Shacharit meets at 8:15 AM Sunday through Friday.
Friday Night Schedule includes: Candles 5:04 PM Mincha 5:29 PM Kabalat Shabbat 5:40 PM Followed by Maariv
Mincha 7:22 PM Welcome Guest Ba'al Tephilla Sammy Schaechter. Shabbat Morning Parsha Shiur 8 AM Shacharit 8:45 AM Kid's Service 10:15 AM Kiddush 11 AM The kiddush is sponsored by the Hyman family in celebration of Steven Hyman's 70th Birthday. Mazal Tov!