Nusach for Yom Yerushalayim Evening Tephilla

The Weekly Announcements for May 14 – 21
Beginning this coming Sunday morning at 8:15 AM, May 17th, Shir Hadash will re-open it’s Corona dormant Shacharit minyan, albeit with certain limitations, including: The minyan will be outside; Seating will be separated by 2 meters or more (as a result, please do not move the chairs); Masks will be required; Entrance is from the Western side only of the…

Announcements for the week of May7 – 14.
Candles 6:49 PM / Shabbat Ends 8:04 PM

Check out the Shabbat Bulletin for Parshat Bereishit

Who We Are Gan Shir Hadash is a model early childhood program dedicated to the pursuit of ‘best practices’ in early childhood education and development. Currently, we provide programming for children aged 2-3.5 years old at the start of the school year. Some of our special features include: An unrivalled high staff-to-child ratio, with small class sizes and two to three…

In preparation for opening our new gan classroom for next year, some local children under the guidance of Avigayle Adler Katz started working on mural of author Maurice Sendek’s famous book Where the Wild Things Are. When next at Shir Hadash be sure to check on their progress!

Shir Hadash’s membership drive for 5780 / 2019-2020 has begun. And joining us has never been easier. Simply fill out this form and then make a payment of your choosing (the suggested range is 500 – 2000 NIS). And that’s it! Membership benefits include seating for the Yamim Noraim, discounts on facility rentals in our new building and the opportunity…