Read more about this week’s announcements.
Parshat Pinchas
Posted by shirhadash613
Categories: Uncategorized, What's New
Read more about this week’s announcements.
Shir Hadash’s Hospitality House is a 3 bedroom apartment with a large outdoor space within easy walking distance of the shul, not to mention a whole host of nearby attractions — including the President’s House and the Jerusalem Theater (5 minute walk), the First Station and Emek Refaim (10 minute walk) and Ben Yehuda Street (15-20 minutes). Our goal of…
Based on survey results – and in an attempt to include families with younger children – Shir Hadash will experiment with hosting an Early Shabbat minyan (i.e., offering an earlier Mincha and Kabalat Shabbat during the Summer months). The first experiment will be THIS FRIDAY NIGHT. For full details, read more.
In addition to our regular Shabbat schedule, join us this week for a huge kiddush lunch this Shabbat morning. Click here to read this week’s announcements.
We are pleased to announce that Shir Hadash has been selected to receive a grant in order to promote the study of Science and Religion. This project is part of an international program entitled “Scientists in Synagogues,” a grass-roots initiative run by Sinai and Synapses in consultation with the American Association for the Advancement of Science Dialogue on Science, Ethics and Religion, and…
We welcome this Shabbat Shlomo Abramson, celebrate a Shabbat Chatan and gear up for Yom Yerushalayim. For the full details, check out this week’s bulletin.
Shir Hadash offers an array of learning over the Shavuot holiday, including special shiurim on Shabbat immediately preceding the Chag, our ever popular Tikun Leil All-Night Learning at the Pear home, and a special Shavuot afternoon program for women. For the full details, read our this bulletin.
Weekly Announcements can be read here. They include information on our guest ba’al tephilla this week, an amazing kiddush and more.
Shabbat of June 4 – 5 Weekly announcements include Shabbat times, news on children’s programming, lots of Mazal Tov’s, and an upcoming book talk.
In 2020, Shir Hadash launched a new initiative: The Jonathan Pear Educational Farm, also known as PE’AH (P-ositive E-ducation though A-griculture in our H-omeland) Program. Located in the north of Israel – just outside of Rosh Pina – this farm is dedicated to not only having our members cultivate the land, but also sharing this experience with others — such…