SHABBAT SCHEDULECandles 5:53 PM Mincha 6:18 PMShiur 8 AM w/ R. Aaron PostonShacharit 8:45 AMKiddush 11:00 AMShabbat Ends 7:04 PM Shabbat Shalom!

SHABBAT SCHEDULE Candles 6:02 PM Mincha 6:27 PM Shabbat Morning Shiur 8 AM w/ Peta Pellach Shacharit 8:45 AM Kiddush 11:00 AM Shabbat Ends 7:13 PM

Weekly News
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This is a blot post cross posted on Sinai and Synapsis, the sponsor of our grant to explore Science in our programming for 2023:

The other night Shir Hadash hosted a lecture by Rabbi David Fink on the topic of Chumra and Kula within Halacha. It was a fascinating talk we hope to have online soon. In the meantime, though, we thought we’d share some of the sources discussed. In this first installment, we look at a resonsa of Rabbi Moshe Feinstein (Igeret Moshe, Even HaEzer ח”ד…

Shir Hadash offers the following psychological guidelines to support ourselves and others in this time of crisis: People have been feeling a wide range of emotions since the Hamas massacre on October 7th and the following war: sadness, anger, despair, fear, inspiration, uplift, pride; and many have wondered about personal and communal trauma that is perhaps resulting from this crisis. What…

Here is the statement of support for Israel from 136 former state Attorneys General fromthroughout the country compiled over the past several days. 136 FORMER ATTORNEYS GENERAL IN SUPPORT OF ISRAELFORMER ATTORNEYS GENERAL STATEMENT 47 states and the District of Columbia, Guam & Puerto Rico As former Attorneys General of the states and jurisdictions, both Democrats and Republicans, westand united…
Phones on shabbat- guidelines (From Rabbi Tanchum Gold) Additional Considerations (from Rav Tzvi Rimon): 1) You may leave the radio on ‘quiet’ stations that will interrupt the silence if and when there is emergency information you must have: 90.8, 90.5, 92.5, 100.7. 2) If there is an alarm while in shul, we will immediately cease tephilla wherever we are and…
The following d’var Torah is based on a teaching of Rav Kook, z”l, as well as an insight on this teaching by Rabbi Normal Lamm, z”l. The midrash states that “so great is peace, that even in a time of war, one needs peace.” What does this mean? Rav Kook suggests an answer based on the tephilla we recite nightly…