Author page: shirhadash613

Spiritual Diplomacy

In addition to hosting scores of political leaders – such as this group of US Attorneys General pictured above brought to Israel by the America – Israel Friendship League – as well as academic, artistic, business and student leaders, Shir Hadash has hosted many religious leaders, including those already supportive of Israel but also many who are not. Pictured below…

Gan Shir Hadash

Gan Shir Hadash

Who We Are Gan Shir Hadash is a model early childhood program dedicated to the pursuit of ‘best practices’ in early childhood education and development.  Currently, we provide programming for children aged 2-3.5 years old at the start of the school year. Some of our special features include: An unrivalled high staff-to-child ratio, with small class sizes and two to three…

Our History

Our History

Shir Hadash was founded by Rabbi Ian and Dr. Rachel Pear in the fall 2000. It’s first center — initially in a community center, then a “Cursed Building” and ultimately a bomb shelter — was in the Jerusalem neighborhood of Nachlaot. Today, that center continues to operate under the name Kol Rina. A great number of Shir Hadash’s most innovative…


Weekday Shacharit Daily Sunday – Friday: 8:15 AM Including Chol HaMoed, Fast Days and Rosh Chodesh Slichot during Elul take place prior to this morning minyan, except for the first Slichot which takes place Motzei Shabbat at midnight. Shabbat Schedule Friday Night Mincha: 25 minutes after candle-lighting Kabalat Shabbat: 35 minutes after candle-lighting Maariv: 55 minutes after candle-lighting DURING SUMMER…

Communal News

SEPTEMBER 2019 Mazal Tov to Josh Wajcman  and Andrea Rosen who became engaged to be married yesterday (September 5). May they merit to build a bayit ne’eman b’yisrael! We regret to inform you of the passing of Morton Schwartz, father of Dr. Phillip Schwartz. The funeral will take place this evening, September 3 at 6:30 PM at Beit Ha’hesped, Har…

Joy in Judaism

Joy in Judaism

Essential to Judaism – and to Shir Hadash – is the concept of joy.  For that reason, I thought it might be of some value to share a few ‘sources’ about this value, and thereby elevate it from a vague concept to which one might be prepared to gives lip service to a more concrete, and more urgent characteristic to…