Shabbat Shalom! Candles 4 PM, MIncha 4:25 PM. Akiva Abramson will be our guest ba’al tephilla tonight for Kabbalat Shabbat when we will also welcome students in the Kivunim Gap Year who will be joining us. Please come and join us to help welcome them. Tomorrow: Shiur w/ Peta Pellach 8 AM, Shacharit 8:45 AM, D’var Torah by Nechemia Schorr 10:15 AM, Kid’s service led by Noa, Eden and Ivria 10:15 AM, Kiddush 11 AM sponsored by Yehudit Wolf, post Kiddush shiur by Zach Beer 11:30 AM, Early Mincha 11:57 AM. Sunday morning all are invited to a musical Hallel led by Anders at 8:15 AM.