The Weekly Announcements for May 14 – 21
Beginning this coming Sunday morning at 8:15 AM, May 17th, Shir Hadash will re-open it’s Corona dormant Shacharit minyan, albeit with certain limitations, including: The minyan will be outside; Seating will be separated by 2 meters or more (as a result, please do not move the chairs); Masks will be required; Entrance is from the Western side only of the…
Announcements for the week of May7 – 14.
Candles 6:49 PM / Shabbat Ends 8:04 PM
Who We Are Gan Shir Hadash is a model early childhood program dedicated to the pursuit of ‘best practices’ in early childhood education and development. Currently, we provide programming for children aged 2-3.5 years old at the start of the school year. Some of our special features include: An unrivalled high staff-to-child ratio, with small class sizes and two to three…