We welcome this Shabbat Shlomo Abramson, celebrate a Shabbat Chatan and gear up for Yom Yerushalayim. For the full details, check out this week’s bulletin.
Shir Hadash offers an array of learning over the Shavuot holiday, including special shiurim on Shabbat immediately preceding the Chag, our ever popular Tikun Leil All-Night Learning at the Pear home, and a special Shavuot afternoon program for women. For the full details, read our this bulletin.
Weekly Announcements can be read here. They include information on our guest ba’al tephilla this week, an amazing kiddush and more.
Shabbat of June 4 – 5 Weekly announcements include Shabbat times, news on children’s programming, lots of Mazal Tov’s, and an upcoming book talk.
Beginning this coming Elul (August), Shir Hadash will add a new arrow to its Torah and programming quiver by hosting, guiding and teaching in the innovative and inspiring women’s Midrasha, Amudim. Previously, Shir Hadash hosted this relatively new seminary for overseas’ students studying for the year in Israel one day a week — as part of their experience Jerusalem day.…
Our Gan Yeladim is closed (a modified program may be instituted for children of essential workers). All Shabbat Minyanim are cancelled. Daily Minyan will continue with a maximum of 10 men outside and 5 men outside. If you wish to sign up for this minyan, please do so here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1uR9sXfyeJ2rhEa68lMvjX-pMKWkjrK-AdRcwBpyS8DU/edit?usp=sharing Please Note: If you reserve a space and do not…