
Who We Are

Gan Shir Hadash is a model early childhood program dedicated to the pursuit of ‘best practices’ in early childhood education and development.  Currently, we provide programming for children aged 2-3.5 years old at the start of the school year.

Some of our special features include:

An unrivalled high staff-to-child ratio, with small class sizes and two to three teachers in each class, as well as numerous volunteers (including participants in the unique Midreshet Darkeynu Program);

Bi-lingual education, offering programming in both Hebrew and English, a linguistic environment conducive to better absorption of new olim as well as beneficial to the strengthening of community and academic excellence for vatikin families already here.

Enrichment Programming, such as special chugim with the Museum of Nature (which includes interaction with animals), story-telling, music or movement.

Some Key Numbers

Chaya (English Teacher) 058-412-3126

Racheli (Hebrew Teacher) 052-666-4831

Susan (English Teacher – Younger Children) 055-986-2313

Susan Terespolsky (Afternoon Program) 055-986-2313

Rabbi Ian Pear (Shir Hadash General Director) [email protected]

Jo Rothchild (Gan Manager- English/Hebrew) 054-392-7176 [email protected]


Beginning in a new childcare setting is a big step in the growth of your child.  Learning to be a part of a group, sharing toys and space, and most importantly, separating, are all challenging goals for your young child.  Therefore a person, parent or caregiver, should be prepared to stay with him/her until he/she becomes acquainted with the new people and surroundings.

While you are here please try to encourage your child to try a toy or project.  Take cues from your child- if he/she wants you to remain close, it is okay, and if they are involved, it is a sign that you can leave.  Remember, each child is different and might adjust at a different pace. Upon leaving, always say goodbye to the child and teacher, and reinforce to him/her that you will return.  Be on time when picking up.

This Year’s Calendar

September 1st: Gan Begins Phased Transition Period

Older Class Schedule:

1.9.24 from 8 – 10 AM; 2.9.24 from 8 AM – 12 PM; 3.9.19 from 8 AM – 1 PM; 4.9.19 Full Day Begins.

Younger Class Schedule: 1.9.24 from 8 – 10 AM; 2.9.24 from 8 – 11 AM; 3.9.24 from 8 AM – 12 PM; 4.9.24 from 8 AM – 1 PM; 5.9.24 from 8 – 1 PM; Friday 6.9.24 is a normal day (8 AM – 12 PM) and tzaharon/full day attendance begins the following week.

October 2-4 (Tuesday- Friday): Rosh Hashana, No Gan

October 11 (Friday): Yom Kipur, No Gan

October 16 – 25: Sukkot Vacation (Return Sunday October 27)

December 27 – January 2: Chanuka Vacation (Return Friday, January 3rd)

March 13 (Thursday): Taanit Ester

March 14 – 16: Purim and Shushan Purim, No Gan

April 8 (Tuesday) – 21: Pesach Vacation (Return Monday, April 21)

April 30 (Wednesday): Yom HaZikaron

May 1 (Thursday): Yom Ha’atzmeut, No Gan

June 1 – 3 (Sunday -Tuesday): Shavuot Vacation (Return Wednesday June 4)

TBC Last Day of Gan (day)

Some Rules and Regulations


Gan begins Sunday through Friday at 8:00 AM.  Before that time, teachers are busy setting up the rooms and preparing for the day.  Please do not bring them into the classrooms earlier, as the teachers cannot give the child the attention that s/he needs.  For those parents who need due to their job requirements, early drop-off at 7:45 AM is permitted.

School ends at 13:00 and on Fridays at 12:00, or for those enrolled in Tzaharon, 16:00 (Friday remains at 12:00). Please be punctual when picking up your child.

For safety reasons we will only release your child to you.  If you wish your child to be released to someone else, please inform your child’s teacher.  Children will not be released unless a call or letter is received.


  1. A healthy snack should be sent in a labelled container in your child’s backpack every day. In order to accommodate your child’s specific allergies, we ask that all snacks be peanut-free. The school requests that you bring dairy or parve snacks.
  2. A water bottle or sippy cup
  3. 2 full sets of extra seasonably appropriate change of clothes. All items should be clearly labelled. (clothes, undergarments, sun hat, and bedding) Should any of these items be brought home during the course of the year, please send a replacement.
  4. One package of wipes will be requested to be brought in at the first of the month every month
  5. Diapers and Diaper cream (if needed)
  6. photos of your child (you might not get these returned)
  7. A box of tissues
  8. A bottle of hand soap (with a pump)
  9. A smock (a T-shirt for art) REMINDER: Paint might not come out of your child’s clothing, so dress them in clothing that might become ruined!!




  • REMINDER: Please visit your local Tipat Chalav to make sure that your child’s vaccinations are up to date!



Each day before you send your child to school, make sure s/he is not showing symptoms of communicable disease.  If you bring your child to school when s/he is sick, you will be asked to take your child home.  We must do this to protect everyone’s health, staff and children alike.  We will not administer medicine.

Keep your child at home if s/he is displaying the following symptoms:

Severe coughing or trouble breathing

Conjunctivitis (pink eye)

Unusual spots or rashes

Infected skin patches

Unusual behaviour

Sore throat


Swellings, rash or suspicious sores


Red or runny eyes (symptoms of conjunctivitis)

Severe cold symptoms: yellow mucus discharge from nose or frequent coughing

Diarrhea (This spreads very quickly and easily)

Fever (Keep your child home for a full 24 hours after fever before resuming full activity at school)

Lice (Please keep child at home until all lice or nits are pulled out)


PLEASE KEEP YOUR CHILD OUT OF GAN FOR 24 hours after temperature, vomiting or diarrhoea so as to not to infect other children.


When a child becomes sick at school: A staff member will call you or your emergency contact and you will be required to take your child home.



Communications from the administration and/or head teacher Chaya Kluwgant are performed through e-mail. 

Rachel Pear:   [email protected] (phone 0547821102)

Ian Pear: [email protected] (phone 0547821103)

Chaya Kluwgant: [email protected]


If you do not have e-mail, or do not check it, and would rather another form of contact, please let us know.

Teachers will hand out their cell phone numbers to you in case of emergency.  Since they are tending to the children throughout the day, please leave a message or SMS, and they will return your call as soon as possible.

If a problem arises in your child’s classroom, please speak to the teacher first.  If you feel the need has not been satisfied, the next step is to speak to the Director.  The Director will be pleased to help you.



We are delighted to celebrate your child’s birthday at school.  Our experience has shown us that children enjoy simplicity.  Discuss the party with the teacher in advance so we can schedule accordingly.  We make the cake and card, and you bring a present for your child’s class and classmates.



Except for transitional objects, which are kept in the child’s cubby, no toys should be brought to school.  Teachers cannot be responsible for broken or lost objects.



The following are financial and work policies which all parents with children at Gan Shir Hadash should be made aware of:

  • Postdated checks for the 2019-20 school year should be handed in to the administrator by no later than the beginning of the school year.
  • If you need to withdraw your child from the program:

Until October 1 – we will need one month notice of your leaving, and one month extra tuition paid.

Until December 31- we will need one month notice and three months tuition paid.

After January 1- there will be no tuition refund

  • If your child remains past 16:00 for pickup there will be a 50 NIS charge.

These policies are created for the well-being of the program.  This is necessary for the school to function, pay its bills, and hire staff.

There is a daily Tzaharon option. If you are not signed up regularly and would like to join for the day, you must make your request with the administrator and head teacher in advance, and no later than the day before you need extended care.  The cost per day is 50 NIS, payable in cash to the teacher.