Every Wednesday morning at 11 AM Rabbi Ian Pear shares his insights on the Foundations of Judaism. This is an introductory class on Judaism. This shiur meets both at our building and on our Facebook Group.
Every Thursday morning at 11 AM Rabbi Gedaliah Gurfein shares his insights on the fascinating works of the Maharal on Pirkei Avot. At present, this shiur meets on Zoom here.
Every Thursday night at 8 PM Rabbi Pear explores the Meaning behind one of the Torah's 613 Commandments, following the order and the counting of Mitzvot according to the Sefer HaChinuch. Currently, this class is online only, appearing on Shir Hadash's Facebook Group or in the archives on our YouTube channel.
From Sunday, May 17th onwards, our 9:05 AM Daf Yomi class will return to activity in our building — albeit with the below Corona sensitive conditions. Please note, we will continue to broadcast the daf yomi on Shir Hadash's Facebook Group; it will also be archived on Shir Hadash's YouTube Channel as well as this website. The number of participants…
From Sunday, May 17th onwards, our 8:15 AM Shacharit minyan will return to activity in our building -- albeit with the following Corona sensitive conditions: The number of participants will be strictly limited to 19. If you would like to reserve a space - and thereby guarantee admittance - e-mail shirhadash613@gmail.com. The minyan will take place outside under our pergola,…
Every Sunday morning at 11 AM Peta Pellach shares her innovative insights on the week's Torah portion. At present, this shiur meets over Zoom -- e-mail petapellach@gmail.com for the specific invite -- and on our Facebook Group. p
Every Monday morning at 11 AM Peta Pellach shares her insights on this foundational book of poetry and philosophy. At present, this class is on Zoom -- to receive an invite and source sheets, e-mail petapellach@gmail.com.
Every Tuesday morning at 11 AM Rabbi Robert Rhodes shares his insights on the fascinating and little understood Book of Daniel. At present, this shiur meets on our Facebook Group.
Join Rabbi Pear as he explores the Sidur. This is an introductory class. At present, this class is on Zoom; e-mail shirhadash613@gmail.com to receive the invite.
Every Thursday morning at 11 AM Rabbi Gedaliah Gurfein shares his insights on the fascinating works of the Maharal on Pirkei Avot. At present, this shiur meets on Zoom here.
Every Sunday morning at 11 AM Peta Pellach shares her innovative insights on the week's Torah portion. At present, this shiur meets over Zoom -- e-mail petapellach@gmail.com for the specific invite -- and on our Facebook Group.
Every Monday morning at 11 AM Peta Pellach shares her insights on this foundational book of poetry and philosophy. At present, this class is on Zoom -- to receive an invite and source sheets, e-mail petapellach@gmail.com.
Every Tuesday morning at 11 AM Rabbi Robert Rhodes shares his insights on the fascinating and little understood Book of Daniel. At present, this shiur meets on our Facebook Group.
Every Wednesday at 11 AM Rabbi Pear provides a foundational introduction to the Sidur. At present, this class is both on our Facebook Group as well as at our building.
TIKUN LEIL SCHEDULE Our all-night learning program will take place this year at our new building located at Yakov Rubin Street #1. Seats will be properly distanced and masks are required to be worn at all times inside the building. Refreshments - served via waitstaff - will be provided during the course of the night. Nurse Rachel Gemara Presents at 2…
Every Thursday morning at 11 AM Rabbi Gedaliah Gurfein shares his insights on the fascinating works of the Maharal on Pirkei Avot. At present, this shiur meets on Zoom here.
As part of the return to our building - a process that will be accented by hosting programs with a smaller number of people prior to graduating to events with a larger number of people - we will conduct our first Shabbat services in the afternoon and evening of Shabbat Parshat Naso, May 30th. The schedule will include: Shabbat Afternoon,…
Every Sunday morning at 11 AM Peta Pellach shares her innovative insights on the week's Torah portion. At present, this shiur meets over Zoom -- e-mail petapellach@gmail.com for the specific invite -- and on our Facebook Group.
Our weekday Shacharit minyan meets daily at 8:15 AM. Our Shabbat and Chag Shacharit meets at 8:45 AM. Shabbat Chol HaMoed Shacharit meets at 8:30 AM Rosh Hashana Shacharit meets at 8:00 AM Yom Kipur Shacharit meets at 8:30 AM Simchat Torah Shacharit meets at 8:30 AM First day of Pesach (following leil haseder) Shacharit meets at 9:00 AM
Shir Hadash hosts a mincha g'dola each weekday Sunday through Thursday at 1:20 PM. Following the minyan, Rabbi Pear learns a Mishna a day. This learning can be found on our Facebook Group as well as in the archives on our YouTube channel.