Events for August 5, 2022 - May 28, 2022

Shabbat Afternoon Schedule

shir hadash Yakov Rubin #1, jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel

As part of the return to our building - a process that will be accented by hosting programs with a smaller number of people prior to graduating to events with a larger number of people - we will conduct our first Shabbat services in the afternoon and evening of Shabbat Parshat Naso, May 30th. The schedule will include: Shabbat Afternoon,…

Parsha Plus

Every Sunday morning at 11 AM Peta Pellach shares her innovative insights on the week's Torah portion.  At present, this shiur meets over Zoom -- e-mail [email protected] for the specific invite -- and on our Facebook Group.


shir hadash Yakov Rubin #1, jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel

Our weekday Shacharit minyan meets daily at 8:15 AM. Our Shabbat and Chag Shacharit meets at 8:45 AM. Shabbat Chol HaMoed Shacharit meets at 8:30 AM Rosh Hashana Shacharit meets at 8:00 AM Yom Kipur Shacharit meets at 8:30 AM Simchat Torah Shacharit meets at 8:30 AM First day of Pesach (following leil haseder) Shacharit meets at 9:00 AM

Mincha G’dola

Shir Hadash hosts a mincha g'dola each weekday Sunday through Thursday at 1:20 PM.  Following the minyan, Rabbi Pear learns a Mishna a day.  This learning can be found on our Facebook Group as well as in the archives on our YouTube channel.

Mincha G’dola

Shir Hadash hosts a mincha g'dola each weekday Sunday through Thursday at 1:20 PM.  Following the minyan, Rabbi Pear learns a Mishna a day.  This learning can be found on our Facebook Group as well as in the archives on our YouTube channel.

Mincha G’dola

Shir Hadash hosts a mincha g'dola each weekday Sunday through Thursday at 1:20 PM.  Following the minyan, Rabbi Pear learns a Mishna a day.  This learning can be found on our Facebook Group as well as in the archives on our YouTube channel.

Mincha G’dola

Shir Hadash hosts a mincha g'dola each weekday Sunday through Thursday at 1:20 PM.  Following the minyan, Rabbi Pear learns a Mishna a day.  This learning can be found on our Facebook Group as well as in the archives on our YouTube channel.

Yahrzeit Shiur: Is Teshuvah Enough for Corrupt Politicians?

Rabbi Pear will offer a talk in commemoration of the 2nd yahrzeit of his father, Moshe ben Shmuel (Martin K. Pear). The topic this year relates to how different legal systems - the US Constitution, Israeli Law and Halacha - view a convicted politician's right to stand for election ... a topic not only relevant given today's political climate, but…

Weekday Morning Minyan

Join our weekday Shacharit Sunday through Friday at 8:15 AM. Same time for Rosh Chodesh, Fast Days and Chol HaMoed (our Shabbat morning tephilla is at 8:45 AM). During Corona, all tephillot are outside.

Daf Yomi

Learn daf yomi with Rabbi Dov Kidron each morning Sunday - Friday from 9 - 10 AM. This class is available on this Zoom link, as well as in person at Shir Hadash.