Events for November 18, 2022 - October 22, 2022

Conversion Program

Shir Hadash is pleased to offer a 11 month course of study for potential converts to Judaism in conjunction with the Nativ Civilian Program, the National Center for Identity and Conversion. This course will meet twice weekly beginning just after Chanuka. If interested in learning more, e-mail [email protected]. The preparation course introduces students to a rich world of content, including…

Weekday Shacharit

Shacharit meets daily from 8:15 AM - 8:50 AM (on non-Torah reading days) and 8:15 AM - 9 AM (on torah reading days), followed immediately by Daf Yomi.

Daf Yomi

Daf Yomi meets daily Sunday - Friday in person at Shir Hadash as well as on our Facebook Group.

Shabbat Day

Shabbat Morning Tephillot 8:45 AM Shacharit10:20 AM Dvar Torah10:45 AM Conclude Take-Away Kiddush this Shabbat sponsored by Nancy Bechor in celebration of the birth of a baby grandson. Mazal Tov.

Weekday Shacharit

Weekday Shacharit meets at 8:15 AM Sunday through Friday.

Shabbat Chatan

Mazal Tov to Chaim Seligman as he celebrates his Shabbat Chatan at Shir Hadash in celebration of his upcoming wedding to Dana Grob. The kiddush following Shabbat morning tephillot is sponsored by the Seligman family in honor of the occasion.