Events for October 28, 2024 - September 16, 2024

Weekly Tephillot

Shacharit 8:15 AM Mincha 4:27 PM Maariv 5:00 PM

Daf Yomi

Parsha Plus

Learn with Peta Pellach weekly at 10:30 AM.

Nineteen Letters

Learn Rabbi Shimshon Rafael Hirsh's masterful work, the 19 Letters, every Monday morning with Peta Pellach.

Rabbi Dr. Benjamin Samuels Science and Religion Lecture

How Advances in Science Change Halakhah: Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) and the Redefinition of Parenthood To view the source sheet for this lecture, click here: This lecture is part of our Sinai and Synapses series of programs exploring science and religion in Synagogues.

Musical Hallel

Celebrate Rosh Chodesh Kislev with a musical hallel as part of our normal Shacharit service Friday morning. Led by Anders Nierman of Etrog Jam.


Friday Night Candles 4:00 PM / Mincha 4:25 PM Shabbat Day Parsha Shiur 8 AM / Shacharit 8:45 AM / Kid's Service 10:15 AM / Kiddush 11 AM We welcome Rabbi Jeffrey Saks, editor of Tradition Magazine and Director of Research at the Agnon House, as well as Director of ATID and the WebYeshiva, to shul Shabbat morning. He will…

Melava Malka

We are excited to host a melava malka led by brothers Shlomo and Naftali Abramson - dedicated to welcoming new olim into the community but open to all.

Weekday Tephillot Schedule

Shacharit 8:15 AM // Mincha/Maariv Times are the same for this entire 4 week period: Mincha 4:25 PM / Shiur / Maariv 4:57 PM

Daf Yomi

Shir Hadash offers two Daf Yomi Programs. / Daf Yomi Bavli meets Sunday - Friday mornings at 9 AM, right after daily Shacharit (at 8:15 AM). / A special Daf Yomi Yerushalmi meets Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays right after the regular daf yomi - at approximately 10 AM.