Events for January 26, 2020 - November 5, 2019

Rosh Hashana

shir hadash Yakov Rubin #1, jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel

Sunday morning Slichot 7:25 AM Shacharit 8:15 AM Hatarat Nedarim 8:55 AM Daf Yomi 9:15 AM DAY 1 SUNDAY Candles 5:51 PM Mincha 6:16 PM Followed by Drasha Followed by Maariv MONDAY Shacharit 8:00 AM Torah 9:15 AM Drasha: Approximately 10 AM Shofar 10:15 AM Children 10:15 AM - 12:15 PM Musaf 10:30 AM Conclusion 12:30 PM Small Kiddush sponsored…

R. Brovender

shir hadash Yakov Rubin #1, jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel

Enjoy learning from one of Jerusalem's most cherished teachers of Torah, Rabbi Chaim Brovender.  Every Wednesday night at 8 PM.

Shabbat Shuva Drasha

We are honored to welcome Rabbi Dr. Kenneth Katriel Brander to Shir Hadash to deliver this year's Shabbat Shuva Drasha, Parshat VaYelech (6 Tishrei, October 5).  His topic will be: U’Netaneh Tokef: Understanding its History and Deeper Meaning Shacharit 8:45 AM Tephilla Ends 10:30 AM Drasha 10:35 AM Kiddush to follow Drasha, sponsored by the Stiebel family.

Weekday Shacharit

shir hadash Yakov Rubin #1, jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel

All Month Long at 8:15 AM

Parsha Plus

shir hadash Yakov Rubin #1, jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel

Delve into the depths of the weekly Torah portion with Peta Pelach.  Every Sunday morning at 11 AM.

Great Jewish Ideas

shir hadash Yakov Rubin #1, jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel

Every Monday morning at 11 AM come and enjoy Peta Pellach's unique perspective on some of the Great Jewish Ideas that have shaped - and continue to shape - Jewish life.

Yom Kippur

SCHEDULE TUESDAY  Candles 5:40 PM Kol Nidrei 6:00 PM WEDNESDAY Shacharit 8:30 AM Yizkor 10:45 AM Following Musaf a break will take place prior to Mincha. For those interested in remaining in shul, shiurim will be provided after the first portion of that break: 2:55 - 3:25 PM Rabbi Robert Rhodes on TBA 3:25 - 3:55 PM Peta Pellach on…


shir hadash Yakov Rubin #1, jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel

Candles 5:36 PM Mincha 6:01 PM Pre-Shacharit Shiur 8 AM Shacharit 8:45 AM Kid's Service 10:15 AM Kiddush 11:00 AM, sponsored by Peta Pellach in commemoration of the Yahrzeit of her mother Shabbat Ends 6:48 PM  


shir hadash Yakov Rubin #1, jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel

Sunday Night - Monday Candles 5:34 PM Mincha 5:59 PM Shacharit 8:45 AM Hallel 9:20 AM Kid's Service 10:30 AM Kiddush 11:30 AM Chag Ends 6:45 PM        

Shabbat Chol HaMoed

shir hadash Yakov Rubin #1, jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel

Candles 5:28 PM Mincha 5:53 PM Shacharit 8:30 AM Please note earlier time (Due to reading of Kohelet) Hallel 9:20 AM Kid's Service 10:30 AM Kiddush 11:30 AM Shabbat Ends 6:33 PM