Events for May 24, 2020 - November 6, 2019

Simchat Torah

SUNDAY NIGHT - MONDAY Candles 5:26 PM Mincha 5:51 PM Followed by Ma'ariv, Hakafot & Torah Reading   Shacharit 8:30 AM Please Note Earlier Time Hakafot 9:30 AM Torah Reading 10:45 AM Yizkor & Musaf 11:45 AM Chag Ends 6:38 PM   SIMCHAT TORAH KID'S TREATS: Thank you once again to Naftali and Jenny Sternlicht for sponsoring and distributing the…


Candles 5:21 PM Mincha 5:46 PM Pre-Shacharit Shiur 8 AM Shacharit 8:45 AM Kid's Service 10:15 AM Kiddush Lunch 11 AM, sponsored by Susan Handelman in honor of her 70th birthday. Including a L'chaim and Ice Cream sponsored by Moshe and Rachel Insell in celebration of the bat mitzvah of their daughter Shabbat Ends 6:33 PM

Parsha Plus

Class meets Sunday mornings all through November, 11 AM - 12:15 PM.

Great Jewish Ideas

Class meets Mondays in November 11 AM - 12:30 PM.

R. Brovender

Come learn parshat hashavua with one of Jerusalem's premier Torah educators, Rabbi Chaim Brovender.  The class meets Wednesday nights throughout November from 8 - 9 PM.


Candles 4:14 PM Mincha 4:39 PM Kabalat Shabbat 5:04 PM Pre-Shacharit Shiur 8 AM Shacharit 8:45 AM Kid's Service 10:15 AM Kiddush 11 AM, sponsored by Jeremy and Michelle Fisher in celebration of Michelle's birthday Mincha Gedola 11:50 AM Shabbat Ends 5:26 PM

Daf Yomi – All Month

Come learn a folio page of Talmud each day with Rabbi Dov Kidron.  Sunday through Friday at 9:05 AM (immediately following our daily morning minyan)

Parsha Plus

With Peta Pellach, from 11 AM - 12:30 PM. Meets every Sunday in November.