Events for March 15, 2025


Naso & Shavuot

FRIDAY NIGHT: Mincha 7:30 PM Shabbat Morning Shacharit 8:45 AM Guest Ba'al Tephilla Rabbi Sam Shor Maariv for Motzei Shabbat / Beginning of Shavuot 8:15 PM Communal Dinner 8:45 PM Shiur by Dr. Julie Goldstein 10:15 PM Tikun Leil at Pear Home, HaPalmach 54/3 11:30 PM Doors Open / Refreshments 12 AM R. Gedalia Gurfein 1 AM Dr. Ayelet Hoffman…

Shavuot Schedule

Learning in honor of Shavuot begins early with special lectures on the Shabbat immediately preceding the Holiday, followed by our always popular Tikun Leil All Night Learning at the Pear home, and including this year a Shavuot (Sunday) afternoon additional learning program for women. For all the details, find out more (and sign up to receive weekly e-mails if you…

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