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We Hope to See You Soon

We Hope to See You Soon

For more specific information, and/or times related to Chagim, view our NEWS section. To stay updated via WhatsApp, join our group. ROSH HASHANA SCHEDULE ROSH HASHANA SCHEDULE WEDNESDAY MORNING Slichot 7:30 AM Shacharit 8:15 AM Hatarat Nedarim 8:55 AM Daf Yomi 9:15 AM WEDNESDAY NIGHT Candles 5:47 PM Mincha 6:12 PM, followed by a Drasha given by Rabbi David Silber, founder…

Amudim at Shir Hadash

Beginning this coming Elul (5782) / August (2021), Shir Hadash will add a new arrow to its Torah and programming quiver by hosting, guiding and teaching in the innovative and inspiring women’s Midrasha, Amudim. What makes this Midrasha for Women Shana B’Aretz Program so special? For starters, it offers an INTELLECTUAL ADVENTURE dedicated to providing: An innovative style which empowers…

Our New Amudim Program

Our New Amudim Program

Beginning this coming Elul (August), Shir Hadash will add a new arrow to its Torah and programming quiver by hosting, guiding and teaching in the innovative and inspiring women’s Midrasha, Amudim. Previously, Shir Hadash hosted this relatively new seminary for overseas’ students studying for the year in Israel one day a week — as part of their experience Jerusalem day.…

Our Activities During the Current Closure

Our Activities During the Current Closure

Our Gan Yeladim is closed (a modified program may be instituted for children of essential workers). All Shabbat Minyanim are cancelled. Daily Minyan will continue with a maximum of 10 men outside and 5 men outside. If you wish to sign up for this minyan, please do so here: Please Note: If you reserve a space and do not…