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Positive Education through Agriculture on our Homeland (PE’AH)

Positive Education through Agriculture on our Homeland (PE’AH)

In 2020, Shir Hadash launched a new initiative: The Jonathan Pear Educational Farm, also known as PE’AH (P-ositive E-ducation though A-griculture in our H-omeland) Program. Located in the north of Israel – just outside of Rosh Pina – this farm is dedicated to not only having our members cultivate the land, but also sharing this experience with others — such…

We Hope to See You Soon

We Hope to See You Soon

For more specific information, and/or times related to Chagim, view our NEWS section. To stay updated via WhatsApp, join our group. SHABBAT SCHEDULE Friday Night Mincha: 25 Minutes after candle lighting time (During summer months, we welcome Shabbat in early, usually about 10 minutes before plag hamincha; please check with us for exact times). Shabbat Morning (During winter months, following…

Amudim at Shir Hadash

Beginning this coming Elul (5782) / August (2021), Shir Hadash will add a new arrow to its Torah and programming quiver by hosting, guiding and teaching in the innovative and inspiring women’s Midrasha, Amudim. What makes this Midrasha for Women Shana B’Aretz Program so special? For starters, it offers an INTELLECTUAL ADVENTURE dedicated to providing: An innovative style which empowers…

Our New Amudim Program

Our New Amudim Program

Beginning this coming Elul (August), Shir Hadash will add a new arrow to its Torah and programming quiver by hosting, guiding and teaching in the innovative and inspiring women’s Midrasha, Amudim. Previously, Shir Hadash hosted this relatively new seminary for overseas’ students studying for the year in Israel one day a week — as part of their experience Jerusalem day.…

Current Classes

Sunday – Friday 9:05 – 10:00 AM Daf Yomi w/ Rabbi Dov Kidron: In Person and on Zoom and Facebook Sunday 10:30 – 11:30 AM Parsha Plus w/ Peta Pellach. E-mail for the Zoom link; also on Facebook. Monday 10:30 – 11:30 AM Great Jewish Ideas: The Idea of Knowing w/ Peta Pellach. E-mail for the Zoom link; also on Facebook. Thursday 9 – 10…

Monthly Calendar