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Tikun Leil Schedule

Tikun Leil Schedule

TIKUN LEIL SCHEDULEOur all-night learning program will take place this year at our new building located at Yakov Rubin Street #1.  Seats will be properly distanced and masks are required to be worn at all times inside the building.  Refreshments – served via waitstaff – will be provided during the course of the night. Reservations may be made for any particular…

Morning Minyan Returns

Beginning this coming Sunday morning at 8:15 AM, May 17th, Shir Hadash will re-open it’s Corona dormant Shacharit minyan, albeit with certain limitations, including: The minyan will be outside; Seating will be separated by 2 meters or more (as a result, please do not move the chairs); Masks will be required; Entrance is from the Western side only of the…

When the Rambam Argues with himself: His Two Hagadot and a Taste of the World to Come

When the Rambam Argues with himself: His Two Hagadot and a Taste of the World to Come

Throughout Jewish history, a number of halachik[1] terms have existed to describe the non-Jewish population with which the Jewish community interacted; these terms, in turn, helped define the nature of the relationship between the two populations.  Being a member of the “Seven Indigenous Nations of the Land of Canaan (ז’ עמים),” for example, would propel the relationship in a negative…